Saturday, July 6, 2013

May 23, 1863---"A beautiful oak forest"

MAY 23, 1863:  

Private Milo Grow, a Georgia soldier serving near Chancellorsville, Virginia writes a poetic letter to his wife, describing the nice weather and scenery in the lull between fighting, and tells her of his love for her and their child and how much he missed them:

"...We are now encamped in a beautiful oak forest on a ridge with water running on each side of us. The weather is now warm and beautiful and our pleasant oak leak shades are very pleasant. The leaves have come out from the buds to full leaf in the last two weeks. Vegetation springs forth with astonishing rapidity when it commences here…The warm weather makes me feel somewhat puny and less vigorous than I was in the early spring. Our regiment is in good health though and fit for service. My little flower wants me to always write after the style of "Rose Leal." How delighted I would be if I could sit with you and talk under some of our oak leaf shades at the roots of a wide spreading tree and tell you all the events of the passing hours, show you the clouds that overshadow me and the bright skys that illumine. Your sympathizing heart would dispel all clouds and brighten every hope. Our words would be of love and its delights, of the bright array of nature, of a glorious one above, then of the thrilling events of war and of the unspeakable hours on the battlefield...I am weary of war and long for a place of repose and a quiet time of sympathizing rest...Give little Lee a warm kiss from his Pa, and give my love to all the family. Receive this my dear as an oak leaf from the bowers of the Rappahannock--by and plucked from the branches around me..."

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