Monday, August 25, 2014

August 26, 1864---"The Yankees have gone."

AUGUST 26, 1864:    

William Tecumseh Sherman spends the day maneuvering troops for what he hopes will be the final assault on Atlanta. While his units position themselves and reinforcements arrive, he orders General John M. Schofield to “demonstrate” against John Bell Hood’s forces now essentially trapped in Atlanta. The “demonstration” amounts to little more than chest beating en masse, and for a day no shells fall on Atlanta. Carrie Berry, a 10-year-old girl living in Atlanta, tells her diary:

Cousin Henry came in this morning and told us we need not fear the shells any more. The Yankees left there brest works and he hoped they were on the way back to Tennessee. We have had such a delightful day. We all wanted to move to day but we will wait til to morrow and see if the Yankees have gone.