Sunday, June 23, 2013

September 30, 1862---The Battle of Newtonia, Missouri

SEPTEMBER 30, 1862:     

The Battle of Newtonia, Missouri.   

Pro-Union Indian troops, mostly refugees driven out of Indian Territory by pro-Confederate Indian troops, do battle with those very same pro-Confederates. Although the Union troops are better equipped, they are badly beaten and fall back ten miles, but, meeting reinforcements, return to the attack. The pro-Confederate Indians are ultimately forced out of southwestern Missouri into Arkansas.

September 29, 1862---An Affair of Honor; a dishonorable affair

SEPTEMBER 29, 1862:      

Brigadier General William “Bull” Nelson U.S.A. is shot to death by General Jefferson Davis U.S.A. Although Nelson was unarmed, it is considered a duel since Davis had challenged him earlier, after Nelson had called him an incompetent. The Northern Jeff Davis remains in command, in part because the Union has use for his name and rank as a public relations and morale booster. 

September 28, 1862---The Killing Fields

SEPTEMBER 28, 1862:      

Kate Cummings, a nurse in the Confederate Army hospital in Chattanooga, writes in her journal of her concerns:

“The great cry of our sick is for milk. We could buy plenty, but have no money. We get a little every day for the worst cases, at our own expense. I intend letting the folks at home know how many are suffering for want of nourishment, for I feel confident that if they knew of it they would send us means…Last week, in despair, I went to Dr. Young, the medical purveyor, and begged him to give me some wine; in fact, any little thing, I told him, would be acceptable. I did not come away empty-handed. He gave me arrow-root, sago, wine, and several kinds of spices, and many things in the way of clothing...In every hospital there is invariably a fund; there is none at present in this. The reason, we have been told, is because the hospitals at this post are in debt to the government, by drawing more money from it than their due, and until it is paid we will get no more. . . .There are quite a number of soldiers in the place who can not get on to their commands, as the country is filled with bushwhackers, and it is dangerous for them to go through it unless in very large bodies...I am a good deal worried about my brother, as I have not heard from him since the army went into Kentucky.”

On this same day, Union Army surgeon Alfred L. Castleman records a disturbing experience as he rides to Sharpsburg:

“Rode to Sharpsburg to-day to procure some medicines, of which we are sadly deficient. Found a purveyor there, but he had no medicines except morphine and brandy. I passed over Antietam battle-field. The smell was horrible. The road was lined with carriages and wagons conveying coffins and boxes for the removal of dead bodies, and the whole battle-field was crowded with people from distant States exhuming and removing the bodies of their friends. ‘Twas a sad, sad sight, and whilst the world is calculating the chances of war, and estimating its cost in dollars, I am dotting down in my memory the sad scenes I witness as small items in the long account of heart-aches.”

September 27, 1862---"A rich man's war...a poor man's fight" Southern style

SEPTEMBER 27, 1862:     

The Confederate Congress passes a Second Conscription Act, targeting men 38 to 45. Several Southern Governors refuse to comply. In order to boost compliance, specific wealthy Planters, their sons, and certain classes of their designees are excluded from the Draft, causing a furor among less wealthy and poor whites.

On this day as well, the Louisiana Native Guards C.S.A. switch sides to become the Louisiana Native Guards U.S.A.