Tuesday, June 18, 2013

April 24, 1862---The Battle of Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip: Day Two

APRIL 24, 1862:         

The Battle of Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip (Day Two): 

At approximately 3:00 AM on April 24, the fleet got under way and headed for the gap in the chain that had blocked the channel. Soon after passing that obstacle, they were spotted by men in the forts, which promptly opened up with all their available firepower. Farragut’s fleet suffered little damage. The forts likewise sustained little damage from Farragut.

The Confederate Mosquito Fleet did very little other than firing upon the more powerful Union ships which replied in kind, and ramming several Union vessels ineffectually. Most of the Confederate vessels were sunk or scuttled. In summary, during the run of the fleet past the forts, the Union Navy lost one vessel, while the Confederates lost twelve. The Union fleet faced only token opposition upriver at Chalmette, and thereafter had clear sailing to New Orleans.

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