Thursday, June 27, 2013

October 31, 1862---The Battle of Unison: McClellan does (n't do) it again

OCTOBER 31, 1862:            

The Battle of Union, Virginia (The Battle of Unison). Units of the Army of the Potomac finally cross their namesake river (the crossing takes nine days!) to pursue the Army of Northern Virginia in the aftermath of Antietam (six weeks after the battle!) and are harassed by J.E.B. Stuart’s cavalry, which slows them and screens the Army of Northern Virginia, giving it more time to move south. 

Less a battle than a running series of scattered skirmishes over a period of five days, these engagements bloody J.E.B. Stuart’s forces, but they convince General McClellan to withdraw his troops northward. 

President Lincoln, the Administration, and the Union public are, finally, thoroughly, disgusted with McClellan. 

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