Thursday, June 13, 2013

January 10, 1862---The Battle of Big Sandy River, Kentucky

JANUARY 10, 1862:           

 The Battle of Big Sandy River:  Following the Battle of Middle Creek, C.S.A. forces fall back to Prestonburg, Kentucky, where Colonel James A. Garfield, the future U.S. President, engages them in a sharp engagement that pushes them, in confusion and unsupplied, into extreme southwestern Virginia. Given the weather conditions, the Confederates, foodless, bootless, and ill-clothed suffer on their retreat march through Virginia.

Also, on this day, weapons manufacturer Samuel Colt dies in Hartford, Connecticut (his hometown) at the age of 47. Colt is (no surprise) one of the wealthiest men in America at the time of his death, with a net worth of $15,000,000.00 (half a billion dollars in 2013 value). It is 1/966 of the entire U.S. Gross Domestic Product (North and South) for 1862. An unabashed capitalist, Colt made his weapons available to both combatants, at first directly, and then through a British subsidiary (for the South). 

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